Cuando El predicaba en Palestina e incluso cuando fue
arrestado y condenado a muerte, Nuestro Señor mantuvo su reconocimiento a la
autoridad del sacerdocio Mosaico.
“Entonces Jesús habló a las muchedumbres y a sus
discípulos, diciendo: En la cátedra de Moisés se han sentado los escribas y los
fariseos. Haced, pues, y guardad lo que os digan, pero no los imitéis en las
obras, porque ellos dicen y no hacen.” (Mateo XXIII, 1-3)
Aún más, Nuestro Señor no destituyó a San Pedro después
de su triple traición
durante la noche de la Pasión, sino que lo confirmó en sus funciones una vez
que Pedro hiciera reparación por su pecado (Juan XXI, 15-17).
Beato Dom Columba Marmion abad de Maredsous (1858-1923)
Al final de este estudio, me gustaría aplicar las
palabras del gran Abad Marmion a nuestro tema:
“Cuando estemos ante Cristo en el último día, Él no
nos preguntará qué tanto hemos ayunado, si hemos pasado nuestra vida en
penitencia, si hemos dedicado muchas horas a la oración: no, sino si hemos
amado y ayudado a nuestros hermanos. ¿Serán entonces los demás mandamientos
puestos de lado? Ciertamente no, pero nuestra observancia de éstos no habrá
servido para nada si no hemos guardado su precepto de amarnos los unos a los
otros, este precepto tan querido de Nuestro Señor, y que es Su Mandamiento.”
Permítanme parafrasear: cuando estemos ante Cristo, El
no nos preguntará nuestra opinión sobre la legitimidad del Pontificado del Papa
Juan Pablo II (o de Juan XXIII, Pablo VI, Juan Pablo I, Benedicto XVI o Francisco. NdB). Sino que, nos preguntará si hemos guardado la Fe, si la hemos
alimentado atendiendo una Misa válida y recibiendo Sacramentos válidos. Tal
es la misión de los sacerdotes de la FSSPX, la de proveer a las almas estos
medios necesarios para la santificación.
1. Sedevacantism, by Bishop Mark A.
Pivarunas, Cmri. Bishop Pivarunas is the superior of the Congregatio Mariae
Reginae Immaculatae (Congregation of Mary Queen Immaculate). Bishop Pivarunas
received his episcopate from Bishop Thuc’ line bishops. The priests of CMRI are
in charge of the Mount St. Michael School, Spokane, WA.
2. All my quotes from the Canon Law are related
to the 1917 Code of Canon Law, published under Pope Benedict XV.
3. LNM: for the sake of convenience, I will use
this abbreviation for the book La Nouvelle Messe de Paul VI: Qu’en penser?
4. TFP (Tradition, Family, Property) is a movement
which was founded in Brazil in the 1930’s by Prof. Plinio Correa de Oliveira,
who , for 40 years, was a close friend of Bishop Antonio de Castro Mayer.
Plinio wrote a famous book on the agrarian reform in Brazil, in which he
defended quite well the Catholic Principles. However, in the early 1980’s,
Bishop Antonio de Castro Mayer publicly broke with the TFP, when he became
convinced that the TFP had turned into a dangerous personality cult whose
purpose is the glorification of its Brazilian founder, Dr. Plinio Correa de
Olivera. Many highly idealistic and religiously motivated young men have been
captivated by its persuasive program. The appeals to moral, dogmatic and
liturgical tradition which are so refreshing in this age of turmoil are simply
a means to lure individuals into the cult.
5. The Monothelite heresy pretends that there
is only one will in Our Lord, thus denying the existence of both divine will
and human will.
6. LNM, p 246
7. LNM, p 276- 279
8. Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange o.p. (†1964), was
one of the finest theologians of the XX century. He was especially famous for
his extraordinary capacity to give a synthesis of the thought of St. Thomas
Aquinas. His many works show him as an achieved thomist and roman theologian.
cf Pour La Sainte Eglise Romaine, V.A. Berto, Cadre, 1976.
9. Canon Law: A Text and Commentary, Bouscaren, 1951.
10. Canon 1556
11. A Practical Commentary on the Code of Canon Law,
Woywod Smith, 1943.
12. Once again, recently, Pope John-Paul II praised
his predecessor Paul VI, and the Second Vatican Council which “marked a true
renewal of the Church”. He added: “The Church is alive today more than
ever! But when one consider, it seems that there is still a lot to do; the work
begins today and never ends.” Angelus prayer, Castelgandolfo, August 9, 2004.
13. Le Sel de la Terre, #49 (2004), p. 28. This quarterly review of theological studies,
published by the traditional Dominican Fathers of Avrillé, France. This high
quality review follows the mind of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and the SSPX in
the combat for Tradition.
14. DTC (Dictionnaire de Théologie Catholique),
Dublanchy, article Eglise, col. 2143.
15. Constitution Pastor Aeternus, July 18, 1870.
16. De L’Eglise de de sa Divine Constitution, Dom Gréa,
Paris, 1885, p. 153. This
book gives a commentary of the dogmatic constitution Pastor Aeternus of Vatican
I Council. It has also a very interesting section which deals with “the
extraordinary action of the episcopate”, which gives doctrinal ground to
justify the actions of Catholic bishops in time of crisis. Fr. Gréa gives 3
reasons: 1. Such a state of necessity that the existence of religion would be
at threat; 2. When the ministry of the regular pastors is annihilated or made
powerless; 3. When there is no hope of a possible recourse to the Holy See.
17. Sedevacantism, Bishop Mark A. Pivarunas, Cmri, op.
18. Apostolic Constitution, Vacantis Apostolicae
Sedis, December 8, 1945
19. A Heretical Pope Would Govern The Church Illicitly
But Validly, Living Tradition, May 2000
20.. The New Mass and the Pope, Archbishop Marcel
Lefebvre, November 8, 1979
21. Billot, Tractatus de Ecclesia Christi, Vol. I, pp.
612-613. Along with Fr. Garrigou-Lagrange o.p., Louis Card. Billot s.j.
was one of the greatest and finest Roman theologians of the XX century. He was
a close friend of Fr. Henri Le Floch C.S.Sp., superior of the French Seminary
in Rome, where Archbishop Lefebvre studied. Fr. Berto, who also studied in the
same seminary under Fr. Le Floch, and was the personal theologian of Archbishop
Lefebvre during the Council Vatican II said: “The genius of Cardinal Billot
was to have recovered, separated, expanded and renewed the doctrine of the
Angel of the School (St. Thomas Aquinas); to have taught the pure doctrine of
St. Thomas, which he mastered remarkably with his personal charism.” Pour
La Sainte Eglise Romaine, V.A. Berto, Cedre, 1976.
22. Canon 233 #2: “If, however, the Roman Pontiff
announces the creation of some (Cardinal) in Consistory, (but) keeps his name
reserved in his heart, one so promoted in the meantime enjoys no rights or
privileges of a Cardinal, but, when the Roman Pontiff later makes his name
known, he enjoys these from the date of publication, but with right of
precedence from (the time of) the reservation in the heart.”
23. Sedevacantism – A False Solution to a Real
Problem, pp. 51-57, Angelus Press, 2003
24. Fr. (then Bishop) Michel Guérard des Lauriers o.p.
(†1988). In the 1970’s, Fr. Guérard was called by Archbishop Lefebvre to teach
in the seminary of Econe. Later on, Archbishop Lefebvre had to dismiss Fr.
Guérard des Lauriers on account of his sedevacantists theories. In the
late 1970’s, Fr. Guérard des Lauriers developed his theory of the material
pope, known as Cassiciacum thesis. In 1981, he was consecrated bishop by Bishop
25. The New Mass and the Pope, Archbishop Marcel
Lefebvre, November 8, 1979
26. Concerning a sedevacantist Thesis, SiSiNoNo,
November 1998
27. Council of Constance, Session VIII: error #8 of
John Wycliffe
28. Council of Constance, Session XV: error #20 of
John Hus
29. Is a Sedevacantist to be considered a non-Catholic?
Questions/Answers, Fr. Peter Scott, Angelus magazine
30. Sedevacantism, by Bishop Mark A. Pivarunas, Cmri.
31. Sedevacantism, by Bishop Mark A. Pivarunas, Cmri.
32. Le Sel de la Terre, #47 (2003), p.73
33. LNM, p 317
34. DTC (Dictionnaire de Théologie Catholique),
Dublanchy, article Infaillibilité du Pape, col. 1716
35. Pope or Church? Two studies on the Ordinary
Magisterium of the Catholic Church, and on the Infallibility of the Church’s Ordinary
Magisterium, Angelus Press, 1998
36. LNM, p 318
37. Le Sel de la Terre, #47 (2003)
38. Le Sel de la Terre, #47 (2003), p.47
39. The New Mass and the Pope, op.cit.
40. The Liturgical Year, Volume 4 – Septuagesima,
feast of St. Cyril of Alexandria, Abbot Gueranger, p. 379-380
41. Declaration of November 21, 1974
42. Constitution Pastor Aeternus, July 18, 1870
43. The New Mass and the Pope, Archbishop Marcel
Lefebvre, November 8, 1979
44. Christ, Life of the Soul, Abbot Columba Marmion,